

IRCTS Extraction Well Head Control Systems

  • Project Name: IRCTS Extraction Well Head Control Systems
  • Market:
  • Region: Washington
  • Capabilities:
    • Consulting
    • Systems Integration

IRCTS Extraction Well Head Control Systems

Technical Systems Inc. was selected to provide The Boeing Company with a control, shutdown and status monitoring system for the interim well head treatment systems at the Inactive Rancho Cordova and Mather Field test sites located near Sacramento California. Technical Systems Inc. provided all design, fabrication, inspection, documentation, functional testing, identification, shipment and start-up of twelve (12) fully operational ready-to-use systems. These systems consist of local wellhead pump motor controls, process instrumentation and power distribution & utility metering equipment all networked via wireless radio frequency based digital telemetry system. This network allows for centralized remote control, monitoring and reporting via a centralized computer interface.

Each remote site consists of a main power and control panel containing all control equipment centered around a programmable logic controller (PLC), power distribution & metering equipment, a variable frequency drive (VFD) for controlling well head pump speed and a local graphical operator interface. The remote site panels are supplied with accompanying process instrumentation for measuring process variables such as flow rate, pump discharge pressure and filter differential pressure for control, alarming and reporting purposes via the RF link.

The centralized computer interface consists of rack mounted computer hardware intended for installation at the IRCTS administrative offices near Mather Field. This equipment consists of a main server computer, master PLC unit with RF link, graphical operator interface software, and alarm notification software and report printers. Remote operation of remote sites may be accomplished via the graphical operator interface software. Alarm notification is displayed locally and transmitted via an automatically triggered telephone interface directly to operator and administrator personnel land lines and cellular telephones. Standard report data is automatically sent to the printers at programmed intervals and “ad hoc” reports may be requested. The interface rack is also equipped with remote access software to all emulation of the graphical operator interface software and reporting options via personal computer modem connection.

Technical Systems Inc. constructed and tested using process signal simulators twelve (12) extraction well panels, the GET-HB Filter Facility panel and the centralized computer interface rack. All fabrication, programming and simulation testing for all sites have been completed. The centralized computer interface rack has also be fully programmed, tested in simulation for all remote sites and then shipped to the site, installed and commissioned to operate EX-25 remotely.